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In reply to your question Oxavon, the last time I played the Mix game was in the Beginner Level 1 of the Structured Gym I think and it was really hard but I switched to using my phone while waiting for my car to have it’s MOT and that seemed to work really well. It was a little weird but instead of sliding the sliders to the correct place I just tapped on the position I wanted it on and the slider moved there. After that it was merely a few small adjustments to get the right combination. I know the positions of the sounds move around for the same loop but once you get the knack of that then it is just a question of remembering the levels for the ones you get correct. There is a bit of leeway for each setting though so as long as you get it in the ballpark figure you should be good to go. The other thing I would say is not to have the levels up too loud as this could cloud your judgement. Probably something to do with ”FIGURE 34.0 The equal loudness contour  measured by Fletcher Munson” on page 425 Mixing theory Chapter 34 of the Dance Music Manual 4th Edition. I might be talking though my backside here but that’s what I’ve basically noticed with most of the games, as low as you can go and get used to that because most of the information in these games is in the Transients of each loop so I try not to play the whole loop because that can also cloud your judgement. I find with the Snapshot Reverb, Hard Distortion, Transient Detective and many other games that if you just click through the sounds quickly and learn which one sounds louder or more defined and play that three times, depending on the game you are playing, you can determine the correct answer by moving away from it. It presents itself to you quite naturally. There is no point wearing your hearing down by playing the whole loop and playing it loud. You’ll appreciate the sounds and what they are teaching you more if they are at a lower volume, I’ve found anyway. This applies to the Mix Game too. You can concentrate more if the sound is low in volume instead of grimacing every time that incorrect answer sound plays…the ugh uuugh, although I’ve noticed that these have been turned down in some of the games. I hope this helps. Just my two cents worth, it works for me. G